Gender activities leading up to COP19 in Warsaw

SB38 Meeting, June 2013 in Bonn

The 38th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI38) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA38), as well as the third session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP3) were held at the Maritim Hotel from 3-14 June 2013 in Bonn, Germany.

Sabine Bock from WECF held an intervention at the ADP opening session on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency.

Our partner Organisation LIFE e.V. co-hosted a side event together with GGCA and WEDO titled "Gender innovations: strategies to address 'gender' in climate change policy". Presentations were given by Sybille Bauriedl (University of Kassel), Emilia Reyes (Equidad de Genero) and Bridget Burns (WEDO) and by Gunnhildur Magnusdottir (Universität Malmö).
Take a look at the report and some photos from the side event.

GenderCC hosted another side event titled "The Social Dimension of Climate Change Mitigation - Tackling the Fairness Gap". It encompassed the following presentations:

The side event's key messages are summarized in a report and were highlighted in an article in the Earth Negotiation Bulletin.

ADP Meeting, April/May 2013 in Bonn

The second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2) took place between 29 April - 3 May 2013 in Bonn, Germany.

GenderCC board member Gotelind Alber held an intervention in the Opening Plenary on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency, urging for stronger commitments from the Parties.

Further interventions were held at a special event with observer organisations by Ulrike Röhr from LIFE e.V.  and by Sabine Bock from WECF.