Gender-Responsive Adaptation in Peru

Read a very interesting and motivating Interview with Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama, Peru, on integrating gender into the National Adaptation Plan process.


In conversations about climate change, gender is not always considered. The Government of the Republic of Fiji and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network , in February 2018, co-hosted workshops to emphasize why gender needs to be integrated into climate change planning and action.


Angie Dazé from the International Institute for Sustainable Development and Maritza Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama—Director General of Peru’s Department of Gender Mainstreaming from the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Population—sat down to talk about integrating gender into NAP processes.

I want to start by saying(said Ivonne Yupanqui Valderrama) that gender mainstreaming is crucial for climate change adaptation, and we need to hear women's voices. Women have important proposals to make and we just have to be ready to listen and hear.


She said: " Gender is not only about a community of women, but it's also about considering the differences between men and women...."


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